Blast Vibration Basics Post #4
Installing Seismographs
This is the fourth post in a series on blast vibration basics. Blast vibrations are an important concept to understand because all blasts produce vibrations and, in some cases, those vibrations will annoy neighbors or potentially damage nearby structures. However, in today’s environment, blast vibration damage is extremely rare due to the regulatory limits placed on blast vibrations from blasting and other construction activities.
This post focuses on how to install seismographs properly.
Mounting spike installation.
Installing Seismographs
Seismograph installation practices are important, especially if accuracy is required for regulatory compliance (monitoring to ensure vibrations stay below regulatory limits). The International Society of Explosives Engineers publishes field practice guidelines for installing blasting seismographs. The guidelines, which were updated in 2020, provide best practice guidelines for installing seismographs. The guidelines are publicly available at this link:
If you prefer video instructions, the following videos provide helpful guidelines for installing seismographs in soil or on a hard surface.